domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011


Theatre is a genre-whether in prose or verse, usually in dialogue,thought to be represented, the performing arts covering everything related to writing the play, performance and costumes and escenery.
Most of the time means a story drama that chronicles the life events of a series of characters. Dramatic as the adjective  suggests, the ideas of conflict, tension, contrast and emotion associated with drama.

if you consider the theater as a branch of literature or just as a from of narrative,we would be ignoring much of the history of theatre.
Some cultures value the theatre as a medium for storytelling, in others as a religion, show or entertaiment.
As popular entertaiment, has always been individuals or samll groups working on their own, representing everything from circus acts to farces for large masses.
Theatre as a public activity in the literary drama is represented in public theatres,  it is sually a trade or subsidized by the state for the general public. greek tragedy, medieval didactic works and contemporary theatre fall into this category.

A representation consists of only two essential elements: actors and audience.
Representation can be mimicking or use language.

Representation can be enhanced by the costumes, makeup, sets accesories, lighting, music and special affects. These elements are used to help create an illusion of places, times, different characters, or to highlight a special quality of representation and distinguish it from everday experiencie.

Although pure realism ceased to dominated the folk scene after the firs world war, the realist theatre continued to live in the commercial sector, especially in the united satates. however, the objetive seemed to be the psychological realism, and were used for this purpose dramatic andf scenic resources enrealistic.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

startin point

*Lorenza Villegas de Santos High school is located in San Calletano neighborhood in Medellin (Ant, Colombia). This is an all-girls school and it has three branches called, Esteban Jaramillo, Simona Duque and the main building Lorenza Villegas de Santos.

The principal of the high school is Maria Isabel Villa, and there are three coordinators, one for each section. It has 2220 students.

*for the project the theatre the set of tools main is the investigation  what is to realize  by medium the searchs, internet online,document.

*To promote the theatre and the particiation in our high school and the theatre with a  fundamental part of our Lorenza Villegas de Santos high school.